Friday, February 29, 2008

This Day

"Give us this day our daily bread."

When I get stuck in prayer - which is quite a bit - I go straight to the blueprint and start working through the Lord's Prayer. I've written quite extensively on that, and some day I'm going to do a blog a day on the phrases, starting right off the bat with the self-releasing "Our."

The phrase that nailed me today is "this day." Jesus wants us to have great expectations for today. Fresh bread for today. Too many people live off of yesterday's bread. We hear the same testimonies from year's past. I do this and it always makes me wonder: but what has He done for me today?

God is always working, always active. He is the present-tense God - the God of Now - the I AM. If I would just stop, right now, and allow Him to actively work through me, pulse through my veins, course through my entire being, allow Him to take over every thought, then I would find that wonderful things would be happening in me RIGHT NOW.

I hope you're not still chewing on yesterday's manna. There was a reason in the OT that the day-old manna became maggot-infested. We are not to be living on it. I challenge you right now: stop what you are doing for 3 minutes and ask God to take over. Tell Him that you want fresh bread this day, this moment. As soon as I finish typing, it's what I'm going to do. Quit chewing on what you did yesterday or what someone said to you the day before or some stumble from last week. That's old news.

Our expectations are too low. Ask Him right now for exactly what you want. When the blind man cried out to Jesus, He turned and said, "What do you want Me to do for you?" The blind man gave a specific response: "I want to see." Now. Tell Him right now what your desires are and be specific. Mine are the same as this blind man. I want to see . . . more of Him. I'm not satisfied with where I am in my understanding and experience of Him. I want fresh bread and living water.

I was reading through John 4 where Christ met the woman at the well and told her that she could have living water. She said that the well was deep and He had nothing to draw with. Her expectations of Him were too low, as if He couldn't supply what He promised. Don't put Him in that box. The well is deep - He is deeper. Expect more in your prayers - right now.

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