Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Man Behind the Filter

So, does Obama really make fun of people with special needs when no one is around? Who is the man behind the 'filter'? (and yes, that's a pun on his smoking habit.) To be honest, I don't hold his comment against him or as a revelation of some hidden issue with the Special Olympics. I think it was what it was - an unwise joke at the expense of himself, something we've all done and paid the price for.

However, it does beg the question: Who are you when the 'filter' is off and you are left to your own thoughts? I really believe that this is a question we need to constantly be asking ourselves, because the Cross is a change from the core of our being, not a superficial covering. Where our mind travels when it's left to itself is a pretty good revelation of how deep that change is. If you drift, it doesn't mean that NO change has occurred, just that it's not to the depth that we would like.

Because the goal is eventually to not have a filter at all, but the mind of Christ.

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