Friday, March 28, 2008

Save The Baby, Save the World

I've been thinking a lot about the Christian's place in politics. Our Young Adult class is studying Romans, and now we are in chapter 13, verses 1-7. Christians really struggle with this and I can see why. Do we simply let the government be the earthly authority of God in our lives, no matter what? I don't know - I'll give my thoughts in the next blog. I am not a political person, and as a pastor I am often called to give my opinion on the issues. I'll be honest, there is only one issue that really gets under my skin - the abortion issue.

What the pro-abortionists don't seem to understand is that when someone believes abortion is actually the taking of a life, it raises their cause to a much higher level. It has to. We are saving a life - they are saving a lifestyle.

That's why it's the litmus test for many who are opposed to abortion. We believe that a person is being killed. So why wouldn't we fight it with every resource we have? Our stakes are higher - at least in our minds.

Granted, sometimes a woman's life is in the balance, and if it was my wife, I would want every measure taken to save her. Though knowing her, she would want every measure taken to save the baby. But the danger to a woman is not a high percentage of abortions.

So to me, it's "Save the baby, save the world." Because if it is, as I believe, the taking of the most innocent of lives; if it is, as I believe, a death that is legislated by the government, then the world is in serious trouble. It is my litmus test for politicians. Not the homosexuality issue, not the environment, not the war. For me, this is the defining of that person, their ability to recognize and defend the most innocent of lives.

We debate our involvement in government and I personally believe that that political kingdom is not our realm. However, the Kingdom of Christ does invade every area of life on earth, and if it strikes the place of the death of an innocent, then it's like striking a match against a stone. Ignition will occur because of the friction of holiness versus pure sin. If that happens, then we cannot help but be caught up in the consuming fire of Christ in the political arena.

Where the rest of our involvement in the political arena is, that's a different story. I'll get to that next.

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