Monday, March 10, 2008

Just Live With It

I went to the doctor's last week because the base of my thumb has been swollen and hurting for a number of months now. I had initially thought it was another jam, and just to wait it out, but with softball coming up and no healing, I started getting worried. So I went to a hand specialist. He looked at the x-rays and showed me a small chip and a lot of 'junk' surrounding the joint. I asked him what 'our' course of action was going to be.

"Nothing. You're going to have to live with it."

In other words, all my years of playing at a 'high level' (insert your own joke here) of sports had done its damage. There's nothing I can really do now. It's wear and tear and that's the way it is. I said, "Thanks, Doc" and left. What else could I do?

I started thinking about my life. Can you imagine if that's what God said about the messes that we've created life? "You're going to have to live with it." I would rather die. But with God, there is full redemption, total forgiveness (Psalm 130). And not only that, but there is an active change that is constantly taking place, bringing us healing and victory. We don't have to live with these things.

There are certain ways about me that I don't like. Even after all these years of being a Christian, I am not satisfied, and I don't have to 'just live with it.' This is something that we need to make a reality in our life. He can and will change personality traits, heal past mistakes, clean out 'junk' that's filled our joints, etc.

Don't settle for who you are right now. A transformed mind and a changed heart are available to any Christian who will honestly pursue God.

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