Friday, May 21, 2010

Disarming Satan

There are three ways that we can disarm Satan in this present life:

1. Psalm 8:2 "From the lips of children and infants You have ordained praise because of Your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger."

When children praise God, Satan is silenced. What can he say in the face of such a simple understanding of the Creator of the universe and of His love for us? Satan knows that there is a basic simplicity in our belief in God and he wants to complicate it with our arguments and man-made "theologies." He wants to muddy this pure water, to the point that we are confused and powerless. But the water is pure to the children, and there is nothing he can do but wait until they "grow up" and start over-thinking it.

2. I Corinthians 15:55 "Where, O death, is your victory? Where O death is your sting?"

If Satan can get us to think that death is an ugly end to our life, then he can get us to struggle for every breath and grieve uncontrollably over every loss. The cross of Christ destroys this stranglehold and releases us to live every moment now in an eternal way.

When we understand that death is defeated, that it's stinger is removed, we can start releasing the things of this world instead of hoarding them. We can die gracefully instead of kicking and screaming for one last breath. The fear of death, the fight for "one more day," is a major weapon of the enemy. When that's removed, there really isn't much left he has to hang over us. We can let this world go.

II Corinthians 2:7 - 11 "Now instead you ought to forgive and comfort him . . . reaffirm your love for him . . . in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes."

In the first letter to the Corinthians, Paul tells the church to deal with a man who is living in a sinful situation. (Chapter 5). He knows that the church must be distinct in its holiness from the world, so that it can hold out the Light in the darkness instead of blending in.

In his followup letter, he acknowledges their faithfulness in doing this, but now asks them to pull this man back in and show him love and forgiveness. He knows that Satan uses these things as a burden around the necks of men and churches. Our inability and unwillingness to forgive a brother who sins against us is a weight that drags churches to the ground, grinding them to a halt. Satan knows this - it's one of his favorite "schemes" against the church.

When we forgive, we disarm Satan. It's one less weapon in his arsenal.

So - simplify your faith, simplify your life, and start releasing those you're holding in your own personal captivities.

1 comment:

Roger Keller said...

I wanted to share something I noticed in Luke. Jesus' teaching abut prayer goes on in Luke even after the Lord's prayer- focussed on seeking and ending with a guaratnee you'll be given the Holy Spirit. Check it out.
Also, I noticed in the section about not worrying and clothes and food aren't it Jesus then goes on tosay seek His Kingdom and then incredible words of Grace: Do not fear little flock, God is pleased to GIVE YOU THE KINGDOM!
Also, the verses about what is the light in you darkness or light- if God has changed the bent of our heart we will be seeking Him - we will be seeking the Kingdom- God is pleased to give the Kingdom t those He has shown how valuable it is above all else. And taht's why we can be free to focus on God becasue He is pleased to give us the best of all- His Kingdom, His Spirit, His Grace!
What a tender and merciful and glorious God He is!