Friday, November 20, 2009

Common Rain and the Church

I would like to followup on my two previous postings. In the first, I questioned to what extent the church (or "a" church) should be affected by outside forces such as an economic downturn. In the second, I addressed how individuals are most definitely affected by these (the rain falls on the just and the unjust).

I've been thinking about this and I'm not sure of the answer (regarding the church). I understand that when an economy fails or a disaster strikes - a "church" will most likely get caught up in the the current. But is that because we are structured in a way that is contrary to Scripture? Should a church fail? By fail, I mean should it collapse under budgetary concerns? What is the distinction between an individual getting caught up in the storms of life and a church getting caught up?

Again - are we structured wrong? I think we are. With huge buildings and budgets and staffs I think we expose ourselves to the ebb and flow of society and nature. We have built a system that relies on the how the world is doing. If the world is doing well, the church reflects that with bigger buildings and larger staffs. If the world is failing, we fail along with it.

I don't think "church" the way Christ defines it should be subjected to the health of the world. I think that what He taught, what He set up, what He breathes life into should be so different that if the world falls around it, it doesn't fall apart. There should be no "breath of the world" that is holding it together. How else can we be of any help when the individuals are lost in the 'current.'

1 comment:

Bean said...

Hi Tom

The economy we are experiencing in the Church and work is being used
as a definate shaking. When a church measures itself after the world it is in the process of "APOSTACY". Everything not rooted in Christ will be shaken. There will be more as I am sure you know. The covers are being pulled back to the new world order that will someday come.
We are the SALT of the earth.God will soon begin to bring people in from all walks of life.Those people may be what many consider the dregs of society. God will do this for those who are preaching the true Ghospel, not the seeker sensitive junk.The seeker sensitive crowd will get the "Itching Ear crowd"! To those who begin to love God with all their heart,mind, strength...they will be the salty ones and love the unlovely not with mans love but with Gods love!The Holy Spirit will bring others to the house of God
to hear the truth. They will be hungry....but the question is has Gods people lost their saltiness?
Do Gods people have a heart for the lost or are they concerned about their own Happieness.How do I feel etc.
In 1 Tim1:8 Paul instructs Timothy against the Judiazers preaching another Jesus. Paul lays it out to Timothy just to Preach the Truth.
tim 6:4 Paul says that their teaching was warped and unhealthy.

Pyciatry[sp?] has been allowed in the church because people want to feel
good.God does not seem to be enough for these people. How about the title "CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR" with a degree in Pycology. There is no such thing as a Christian Devil. Paul called lesser things in Timothy "Doctorine of Devils".
Another Jesus! A person who is a counselor and points to their degree in the ways of man ,can not counsel Gods way because Gods ways are much higher. 2 tim 2:7 likens things like this as a canker in their mouths. It is time to prepare
for those who God will bring. It is time to return to our first love and he will return unto us. If we draw near,He will draw near.
It is up to us.Its time to be salty again.
I enjoy your writings...God has given you a gift.Hope all is well.

Cousin Will White