Friday, September 4, 2009

Punching Holes in the Darkness!

Okay - I get it. Everything is a mess and we've become a beehive of arguments and inactivity. We argue Creation Theology, End-time Theology, Resurrection Theology, Open Theology, Reformed Theology . . . . . So What?!!!

I'm going to defer to the Scriptures when I answer the "So What?" question. In my readings, I've noticed that at almost the end of every major discussion we get basically the same message: So get your life in order, stand firm, and advance the Kingdom.

(Look - I recognize the importance of 'getting it right.' I'm not dismissing correct theology. WE need to ultimately base our "so what" on a right foundation or it's meaningless - I do know that.)

In Mark 13 Christ gives a tremendous discourse on the end times. But when all is said and done, He basically sums it up in verses 32-37 with the words: "Be on guard . . . . be alert . . . . keep watch . . . do not let Him find you sleeping . . . . watch!" We can work through the theology of this all we want, but what it comes down to is RIGHT NOW. Live your life today in a way that is Spirit-filled, loving, holy and right. Be ready now.

At the end of Paul's great passage on the Resurrection, he closes with "Therefore, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." (I Corinthians 15:58).

Again, when all is said and done regarding the resurrection of Christ, we are encouraged to use this information to live differently RIGHT NOW.

This is a constant drumbeat throughout the entire Bible. Every major theological discussion should end with this: Therefore I will live today in a more powerful, loving, expectant and holy way. Otherwise, why bother? If my life is angry and combative then I've missed this point. If my life is spent only defending my position instead of advancing His Position, then it's a waste of time. I'm trying to be relieved of my agenda, not further entrenched in it. If I theologically "gain the world yet lose my soul" - what's the point?

My previous blog wore me out. I was upset with all the screaming, so I screamed. When given time to reflect, to settle down, I realized that TODAY is what it's all about. Yielding to this moment.

I heard a great illustration the other day:
Robert Louis Stevenson, as a young child, was looking out the front window of his house one night. He was fascinated by the lamplighter coming down the street, lighting the old fashioned gas street lamps. He called to his nana, "Nana! Come quickly! There's a man coming down the street punching holes in the darkness!"

I'm done with punching holes in my brother's arguments and in the process punching holes in my brother. I want to be punching holes in the darkness.


ellen said...

I agree, Tom, that is the way I am feeling too. Thank you, well said.

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