Monday, August 4, 2008

The Dispelling Bee

II Kings 6:15 - 17 "When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. "Oh, my lord, what shall we do?" the servant asked. "Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them." And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Sometimes you just need to know the truth.

A couple of weeks ago, a 'pool expert' came to my house to check the damages of a tree that hit our pool. He was kind of obnoxious and was telling me all these things about all the problems we had and how we may have to dismantle the pool. (I don't know much, but I did know that he was way off base.) As he was going on and on about his expertise, a bee flew up his shorts and stung him. He hopped up on one leg and screamed like a little girl. "I'm stung!!" The facade was gone, he was revealed as a girly-man, and he left, clutching his leg in tears. You've got to love the "dispelling bee."

I believe that the key to spiritual victory is to see the opposition for what it really is - a defeated entity, neutered at the cross. When his servant was troubled at the outward circumstances, Elisha simply prayed that he would see what was really going on. As he saw the hills surrounded by God's army, his fears were dispelled. Sometimes you just need to know the truth.

When the Israelites were preparing to enter into the Promised Land, God said that He would send 'the hornet' ahead of them to drive out the enemy. (Exodus 23:28, Deut.7:20, Joshua 24:12) There are many theories on what this 'hornet' is, but I believe that part of the message is that God will reveal the true strength of their enemies, he will dispel the bad report of the 10 spies, that they are an insurmountable enemy. He will show them that they can go in and drive them out because He is with them.

When we can see our enemy as he really is, when we remember that "greater is He that is within us," then we will boldly move forward in spiritual victory. Too often we are held back by perceived stumbling blocks. God wants us constantly moving forward, advancing the Kingdom, and we will only do this when we see what's really going on.

The enemy was defeated at the cross and now he's only running on fumes. Be wary, but don't let him paralyze you. Spiritual victory in this life is available now. Don't be crippled by fear, lust, bitterness, hatred, doubt - let God's spiritual hornet dispel the myth of their power, just as that little yellow jacket going up the shorts of Mr. Pool Expert revealed who he really was.

1 comment:

pennzoil16 said...

Great story. Amen! The devil is all smoke and mirrors. God has already won, so how can we lose when we follow Him? And even though we know the ending, it still makes things exciting! I love Bond movies and they always end the same. It's always interesting how we get from point A to point B.