Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why Not

"Come, let's go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised fellows. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few."

In I Samuel 14:6, Jonathan basically says, "Why not?" Why not move forward - we've been hiding in ditches and caves and in the thickets. God is the one who saves and brings victory, so why not be very simple and trust Him and move forward against the enemy?

It's a very strange thing that Christians sing and talk about victory, yet don't advance against the forces of darkness, fully expecting strongholds in our lives and the lives of others to crumble before the Lord. We plan, we study, we discuss - but we don't move. Is it a lack of faith? Cowardice? Laziness? Love of personal comfort?

All of the above. But read in this chapter as Jonathan casts all caution to the wind and says, "Today I will move forward. It's all in God's hands anyway." What happens when he does this is awesome, as a tidal wave of redemption follows - death is swallowed up in victory.

1) v7 His armor-bearer says: "Go ahead, I am with you heart and soul." When we move out in faith, those with us will move as well. It's like we're all looking at each other waiting for someone to make the first move. Be that one.

2) v21 "Those Hebrews who had previously been with the Philistines and gone up with them to their camp went over to the Israelites who were with Saul and Jonathan." When we move out, weaker Christians who have caved back into the world and into their own darkness and addictions come crawling back out into the Light. We can bring back from captivity our fallen brothers - and there are many out there.

3) v22 "When all the Israelites who had hidden in the hill country of Ephraim heard that the Philistines were on the run, they joined in hot pursuit." When we move out, those who have been discouraged and are hiding in the churches will step out boldly as well.

One man. One man believing that God is real and powerful and present tense - one man stepping out in faith, can lead a charge that will embolden lost and discouraged brothers and sisters to step out of the enemy territory defeated and into enemy territory victorious. We are to be in enemy territory, but standing in love and victory, not on our knees in weakness and submission.

Sometimes faith is very simple. "Today I will crawl out of the rocks and move forward."


Tim said...

Thanks for sharing this encouraging post!

dave said...

good stuff man.

i was really struck when i read this a few weeks ago as well. i was particularly struck by the truth that God can save by many or by few. whatever the case may be, it's God who does the work. we need to trust him more.

solid brotha.