Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Co-Lapse of The American Church

In I Corinthians we are shown that the wisdom of this age (or any age) is not sufficient to accomplish what Christ is doing, the building of God’s kingdom. It is always, in every day and age, something completely radical. There is no age that will align with the teachings and wisdom of Christ. He is always counter-cultural, for the simple reason that the true core of any culture will always be man-centered. Always. And Christ oozes compassion and community building which goes against the ultimate end of a self-centered humanity.

I was reading a book that was talking about how the white American church has been used to having what the author called a 'home-field advantage,' and how this has been the cause of so much of the inclusiveness and the shallow evangelism that has been going on. We've become 'maintenance men.' But "we" (guilty as charge - I'm a white American Christian male) have been steadily losing that advantage. The culture has claimed our Sundays through work/sports/leisure. Our political issues have been failing at a steady rate. The Christian media filters for tv and music are being removed. It's collapsing around us.

As I stated in my last posting, this is a good thing in many ways, as it's revealed so much of our flawed thinking. Our lapse has led to this collapse. I'm glad for my four kids - because I want them to think in a much broader, less self-centered way when it comes to the true kingdom that Christ came to establish. I want them to feel a little less at home in this world. I want them to find a community of true disciples of Christ who have compassion and humility and are led by the Spirit, not by a desperate church clinging to the structure that was built with its limited vision.

I want them to find Christ in all of His fullness.

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