Monday, April 20, 2009

Right Here, Right Now

In the restoration of Peter found in John 21, we see Peter and 6 other disciples fishing in a boat. Christ uses where they are and what they're doing to perform a miracle. He doesn't make them get out, or change boats, or do something else. He does something amazing right where they are.

Too many Christians are looking around at other settings or the place they are in their life and wondering if they're missing something. "I wish I had a different job, a different church, a different set of friends, lived in a different place, was a different age . . .. " Eventually it may be time to move, but for the most part you should just offer where you are and what you're doing and who you're with up to God and say - "Please, do something with this."

Because that was how Christ operated. He took where He was and He who was with and did miraculous things. He filled the water jars in Cana, took the boys fish and loaves, healed the woman who reached out to Him . . . .

Quit looking around - at least for this moment - and ask Him to do a miracle right where you are. Today. Now. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Right here. Right now.