Sunday, July 27, 2008

You Are Here

In Numbers 33, the Israelites are finally on the verge of entering into the Promised Land, and Moses is told by God to recount the 40-year trip in the desert. (Remember this: the desert is never meant to be the destination.) As Moses lists the places that they've been, he does something that I find very meaningful: he gives no summary of what took place in each setting, good or bad. He simply lists them without explanation.

I like this. Moses basically says, "We were there, and now we're here on the verge of something great." What they went through mattered, but it wasn't worth rehashing. There were times of victory, times of grumbling, times of great faith and times of doubt. But that wasn't the point - the point was now here we are. These places mattered, but we're not going to dwell on past failures or successes (see Isaiah 43:18) we're going to move forward.

I really think it's time we stopped "dwelling" and started moving forward. There are great and wonderful things, present day things, that the Lord wants to move us into. But we are caught up in our past and can't move forward to do them.

You are here - on the verge. Whatever steps and stages of your life that got you here don't matter as much as the fact that you are here. Do something here. Today. At this moment - let God do a wonderful work. He is real and He is alive.

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