Wednesday, January 9, 2008


This Sunday, at the 9am service, Dave Capozzi will be preaching. That's right - the 'blog' comes to life. Let's see if he's as impressive in person as he is in the written word. If you read this, and you have a chance, stop by.

This is part of the process of church. I believe we do a lot of it all wrong - structurally. The point of the local body is not to rely on one or several people, but to train up those who love the Lord to use their gifts - within and without the body of Christ. We tend to not allow this to happen. The pastor preaches. The singers sing. The mike-man mikes. Don't get me wrong, we should be plugged into our gifts. But we seem to stifle the young people as we cling to our 'ministries' and then we wonder why they aren't involved, why they don't feel ownership.

I feel that as a pastor, my job is to allow the young people to have avenues to use their gifts. They may fail, but that's part of the process.

So I look forward to what D-Cap has to say. He loves the Lord and wants to be used by Him for the good of the body. What more could you ask?

1 comment:

dave said...

HAHA! I like it. D-Cap-itated works very nicely. I think I am going to have ask you to come up with a title for my sermon.
