Thursday, October 18, 2007

So You Say You Want a Revival?

Acts 19:17 "They were all seized with fear and the name of Jesus was held in high honor."

There's been a lot of talk about revival lately. Especially in New England churches, as we have been involved in the greatest revivals of America. People are holding prayer meetings asking God for a revival to pour out upon this area.

I would think long and hard before you prayed this prayer. Are you sure you want a revival? Really? I don't think many of us understand what a true revival will bring. Hearts will be torn open. Sins will be revealed. It won't simply be hands raised and praises sung. That will happen, of course - but only in due time. First, the dues must be paid. The breaking must come.

Are you sure you want a breaking of your heart - with all of its contents pouring out? Especially one that may turn public? That's what a true revival is. The heart is opened and the fear of God breaks down every wall, penetrating every corner, revealing every hidden sin. Read Acts 19 for what happened when revival broke out in Ephesus. Sin was revealed and hearts were broken - devasted in Godly sorrow. They came forward with their sins and painfully put them out there. It wasn't all fun and praise.

Also, a true revival will not bring any glory to a church or a pastor. (I think we often pray for revivals so that we can 'show' other churches how spiritual our church is.) A true revival will cause the name of Jesus to be held in high honor- no other name. Not a church. Not a pastor. Not a person. Self-seeking has no part in a revival.

Here's a challenge - deal with these things NOW in your life. Pray the prayer of Psalm 19:12,13 "Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults. Keep Your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then will I be blameless and innocent of great transgression." Then when a revival hits, you can be a useful vessel for God, helping with the mess that's been created by all those lives being spilled out - not simply another in a long line of broken ones.

Break now.

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