Saturday, October 3, 2009

Could I Have Just a Moment?

I Samuel 19:20 "But when they saw a group of prophets prophesying with Samuel standing there as their leader, the Spirit of God came upon Saul's men and they also prophesied."
I Samuel 19:23 "But the Spirit of God came even upon him (Saul) and he walk walked along prophesying until he came to Naioth."

So let me get this straight: Saul, who is so full of himself that he can't even see straight at this point, so full of rage that he wants to kill someone who has just delivered him, is overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? As he goes to finish the job that his men can't seem to do (kill David) he gets a dose of God that knocks him to his knees in prophetic ecstasy?

And I can't even get a taste at all this week, not even a sniff? Even though with everything within me, I am chasing after a moment like that?

I realize that I am a slave to my senses. God knows that as well. Is He trying to break me of that addiction? Is that one of the reasons that fasting exists - to break me of the need to have every itch scratched immediately?

Increase my faith, because I need a touch and You don't always give out those touches.

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