Friday, July 3, 2009

Hidden in the Baggage

I Samuel 10:22 "He has hidden himself among the baggage."

Saul has been chosen and anointed as king. He has been given three very clear and powerful signs from God, including an empowering by the Spirit. Yet when the time comes for him to step forward as the king of Israel, he is nowhere to be found. He is hiding in the baggage.

At some point we have to embrace the call upon our lives and quit hiding in the baggage. The baggage of our past or the fears of our present. Humility and cowardice are two very different traits but they can often be mistaken for each other. If you have been called out of the crowd and anointed to be a servant of the Lord, you do no one any good by continuing to hide under the pretense of humility.

Not one of us deserves the place God has brought us to, or the task He has empowered us to do. Understanding that is humility. But an unwillingness to step away from the baggage and advance the kingdom of Jesus, living out publicly what He has done for us privately is not humility, it is fear and cowardice.

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