Friday, November 30, 2007

A Broken Vessel - Poured Out

One night, after reading John 4 (the story of the Samaritan) and allowing this wonderful story to work through me, the following "poem" came to me. I immediately turned on the light and wrote it down. Then, after lying back down, it dawned on me that this could be read from either perspective. Christ or the woman. Read it as if it were Christ - then as if it were the woman.

I’m thirsty

So I come here



I feel so . . .


You are here

Your very presence

Stirs my soul

I cannot

Ignore you

We speak

And my heart is touched

I am broken

And poured out

By you

For you

It is a divine emptying

Of everything that I am


Someone who sees beyond

What the others see

You see who I really am

And there is salvation

Even my closest friends

Don’t always see

Who I am

There is more to me

So much more

Than they know

Because of you

Living water flows through me

Bringing healing



The others

My friends

They come

They see you

They see me

In a different way

The walls break down

They begin to understand

The harvest

Of the lost

Begins with me


dave said...

I have no idea what that says, but I agree with all of it. Now to your poem...It works really well as a two-fold perspective. I appreciate that you are able to put something like that up for all people to read. It works. I like it a lot.

Now quit leaving duplicate messages on my blog! I got excited!!!

Unknown said...

That was a great poem, Pastor Tom! I especailly liked this part: "Even my closest friends don’t always see who I am."

That hit home becuase it is so true. Once we have the conversion experience, people tend to think that we have changed for the worst becuase we are no longer engaging in worldly activities that we used to engage in. It is a wonderful thing to give up the world and give into Christ even if our friends and family don't agree.