Wednesday, August 15, 2007

At the Mercy of the Current

Ezekiel 47 "I saw water coming out from under the threshold of the Temple . . . ankle-deep . . . knee-deep . . . up to the waist . . . a river that no one could cross."

It's time for men and churches to start unloading their baggage. It's time for purity and holiness - and victory. We have been running on fumes for far too long - thinking that it's the normal Christian life, when it's not. The normal Christian life is to be Spirit-fueled, and we're settling for far less than is available. The only way that this can happen is if we move on down the river and find the deepest point and jump in.

The water of the Spirit is flowing from the Temple, from our Savior, and we have a choice where to stand, and our choice determines our walk. If we stay upstream, standing in ankle-deep "water" - our walk is not affected at all. We still can move under our own power and do what we like. Our lives and the life of the church is unchanged.

If we move downstream a little, the water becomes knee-deep. Now it begins to affect our walk - but only a little. We can get where we want to go on our own and our baggage is still manageable. Though I'm a little uncomfortable, I can still do my own thing. Our church can still move at the pace of its own agendas and methods.

Further downstream it's up to our waist. Now I have to make some decisions. Do I plow ahead on my own strength or do I go with the flow? If I've reached this point, my life is being altered by the flow - but I can lift my bundle of agendas and methods over my head and I can make it on my own. If I try enough, under my own strength, I can still manage to get this done.

But wait - all the way downstream, it's over my head!! If I enter here, there is no turning back. I'm at the mercy of the current. When you are in the 'current' you have to abandon the past. I have to jettison my baggage, all those things that I think are necessary for my survival - and let the current take me where it may. There's no way that I can hold onto anything here! This action requires reckless abandon. For a person - or for a church. Are we truly willing to let everything go - jump into His Spirit - and let Him take us where He will?

That's the decision every church faces. Too many, sad to say, stay ankle-deep, so that they can manage their own walk and keep their own methods. They are at the mercy of the current - the current trends and mega-church ideas and books. But if you read on into Ezekiel 47, you see that it's at the end of the River - where it empties into the Sea - that is where the salt water becomes fresh. That's where the real changes take place. When you're in over your head.

How many Christians though, how many churches, are willing to get in over their head? To surrender to the current moving of the Spirit? The past is so comfortable! Pray for me - I'm jumping in - and I want to take my church with me.


Unknown said...

I want to "jump" in too. But I'm having a hard time just letting go and letting God. Currents can be fast pace, sometimes rapids. But I want to see where the end is. So i guess there is only one way to find out. That is to take the leap of faith that you are always talking about Tom.

dave said...

I was incredibly moved by this Tom. What you pulled out of this passage really demands for a whole-hearted sell-out. That's what I want. It is so natural for me to want to hold back and fight the free fall, but I know it has to be done if we are to experience the fullness of God and His grace. Thanks once again Tom.

Ambroceo99 said...

This was an awesome message Tom. I love this blog - I'm finally reading through all the messages and comments. Like Mark said - I too want to "jump" in. What holds me back is the fear of "sinking", or "failing". I honestly feel like I am at the edge of a pool, having the option of jumping in or staying on the edge. I want someone to physically push me in, yet I know that wouldn't be Faith. In my heart I feel as though I am being told to just jump in...